Oruaiti School Production

Soon We will be having a school production this is my first ever production and the first one in 2 years so it’ll be special. Our topic of this production is Kiwiana (Something related to New Zealand) our class Nikau will be doing a song called Slice Of Heaven from Dave Dobbyn but it’s from the old but legendary kiwi movie Foot Trot Flats. I don’t know what any of the other classes are doing besides ours but we’ll see in a month. Oh and I almost forgot I’m part of the production, I’m doing a pilot voice over

I enjoyed: being a part of the production (Pilot Voice Over).

I learned: How to learn about doing a voice over and learning new dance moves.

Next time: I’d like to be in a bigger part of the production

Fun Day Friday At Lake Manuwai

As our class left the school the catchy music began, after 20 minutes of loud music we finally reached our destination Lake Manuwai. Soon after we did some safety briefing and split up into groups of 3 in my group our first activity was paddle boarding, paddle boarding was a good learning experience for balance and turning we also had a bit of fun like jumping of the paddle boards and pushing people of. Our second activity was water safety it was boring but hilarious we did a safety talk and did a game under the boat. Finally our last activity was sailing my good mate Xavier Garton and I went in our own boat this was probably the best activity of the day anyway there was alot of stuff.

I enjoyed: learning new things like sailing and safety briefing.

I learned: how to steer a sail boat and to be protected in the water.

Next time: I’d like to learn some activities around the water.

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